WCPL Carnegie Stair Restoration Project

WCPL Carnegie Stair Restoration Project

Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie gave funds (1886-1919) for the building of 1,689 public libraries across the United States, of which approximately 750 are still used as libraries. The Bryan Carnegie Library was completed in 1903. Every library built by Mr. Carnegie had stairs at the front of the building, reflecting one of his famous quotes "You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb a little".  The Williams County Public Library is in the process of restoring the Carnegie stairs of the Bryan Main Library, with construction currently ongoing.


·Replacement of the 1903 Carnegie Stairs, that have been closed off to public use since the 1970’s, due to disrepair.

·Current steps will be replaced with limestone steps.

·We will be restoring & using all of the original bricks for side support.

·$300,000 project.

·Funds have been put aside for the past few years, with an initial donation from the Brown family of Bryan.

·Friends of the Bryan Library have committed $15,000 toward the project.

·donations can be made toward the project (contact Jeff: jeff@mywcpl.org).

·once complete, stairs will be open for daily library use.


"I am so excited to finally see this project come to fruition!" says Williams County Public Library Director, Jeff Yahraus.

Make sure to follow our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @mywcpl, and visit our website at mywcpl.org for updates on the progress of the project!