Adult Gentle Yoga

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  Age Groups


Are you looking to find an exercise that not only builds up your body, but also relieves stress, gives you more energy, and relaxes the soul? If the answer is yes, then the Edgerton Branch Library has exactly what you are looking for! Take part in either morning or evening yoga sessions that will leave you in better physical, mental, and emotional shape.

Held at the library on Mondays and Thursday at 9:30 am, this series will be instructed by Maris Sebastian. She will introduce yoga basics to attendants. Participants should wear comfortable exercise clothing, bring a mat or towel, along with a water bottle.

Yoga is $5 per session to attend. Registration is not required. For more information, visit the Edgerton Branch Library at 319 N. Michigan Avenue, or call 833-633-7323 x 2.